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Saturday, June 21, 2008Y

210608, 23 00(Sat)

WoW!!!So fast! 1 more day school re-open.PSLE is coming. Long time did not see all my friends.
I had watch Kungfu Panda. Po's shifu use food to train him. One thing very funny is Po is a Panda his father is a crane.
Everybody should go and watch it!!!

heart blue w/ glitter 7:56 AM

210608, 22 04(Sat)
Long time did not post my blog...
On 180608(Wed) my brother and I went to my aunt's house to stay for a night. Long time never went to her house to stay, a bit not comfortable. Keep waking up. 10a.m wake up brush my teeth. After that, in the afternoon I went to heartlandmall with my aunt mother and brothers. My cousin brother oso got go.He very cute lor.

heart blue w/ glitter 7:03 AM

Friday, June 6, 2008Y


ToDaY Is My SeCoNd AuNt BiRtHdAy. ToDaY ThE NeW MoViE KuNgFu PaNdA OsO ShOw In ThE CiNeMa. ZhOnG QiNg AnD PoRnSak OsO at "CWP"=Causeway Point. ToDaY GoT So MaNy ThInG HaPpEn.

heart blue w/ glitter 7:58 AM