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Tuesday, January 27, 2009Y

280109(Wed) 15 40

A late wishes to everybody.
Today go to school normal, nothing special.


Today going to my small aunt's house. In the afternoon, suddenly lot of my relatives came then i take ang bao, take untill i siao.Abt 7++, 8++ we ate steambowl. After tat I play blackjack wth my cousin and their children. First play wth my elder cousin brother, I win lot of money, but after tat play wth my cousin sister got lost, got win lar, not bad.


Today going to my Mama(Grandma) house. This year so early 1++pm go to her house. Reach there, when going up saw my 4 cousins then we go up together. After tat we blackjack i got 6 time AK lor. Abt 5++ my elder cousin said wan to play mahjong then they come to my house play mahjong.
We hada fun day.

heart blue w/ glitter 11:40 PM

Friday, January 23, 2009Y

24 Jan 09(Sat) 03:40pm

Yesterday went back to marsiling pri to find friends and teacher, we can't go in. We all keep waiting to go in untill we saw Miss Yeo, Miss yong and miss lee. They let us in lor(So Good).
Went in le Miss Yeo give me the stamp and sticker. After that saw Hong lao shi, she going home.
So we go out with her, then Zi Jie take cab with hong lao shi lor.

heart blue w/ glitter 11:39 PM

Saturday, January 3, 2009Y

030109(Sat)21 38

Yesterday, is first day of school.
I am going to a new school, wearing new school uniform,study at a new environment.
Everything start from like pri 1 going to MPS.
Reach EVG about 6a.m. somethimg, at there a bit scare and nervous.
About 7a.m something sat down at pread square, the CCAs HOD(Dunno his name) talk so long talk finsh, we sing and said the school and national song and parge(I think spell like this).

After tat went to hall the pcp said tat Every EVG call them as EVGians.
Same class as ZhiXin.
Sat at the hall for 2hours, 10a.m. recess.
10.30a.m. recess end went back to hall sat down till 12.15p.m. went home.
Take 911 home, WA! the bus so many ppl lor!
Reach home change clothes ler went to Marsiling Primary to bring my brother home, while wating for my brother to come out i saw jiajia, kaili, zhining, wanjing, jiamin,samantha and darling.

heart blue w/ glitter 5:38 AM